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Archive for October 2014

For manga fans and anime fans alike, they have been blessed with the online game for ATTACK ON TITAN. Developed by Unity Engine, it is available online. The game portrays realistic story like scenario. The 3-D maneuver gear not only deployed  simultaneously but we could also deploy the  left and right hook separately. This add to the realistic story-like experience. There are also 3 colored flares that could be deployed as signals to other player.

The game could be played in single player mode and in multiplayer mode. So the flare signal comes in handy in multiplayer mode which is to get our location and info transmitted fast and accurately (the meaning of the flare colors would be understood by fans of the anime) The story-like realistic features doesn't stop there. The blades also could be  reloaded as in combat the blades gets shorter. We would also need to refill our gas tubes after a certain time it was used at stations available.

We could also choose to fight with our Favorite character(mine is captain Levi) which have different special abilities. The story like features doesn't stop there. The maps are designed according to the real places in the story. Personally I enjoyed the heck out of this game and could go on and on about the great things about this game. It is fantastic! It is really like we are being part of the story plus the multiplayer mode which is wonderful.

But to be fair I have  some weaknesses that I want to point out from the game. Firstly, it is hard to sign up for the game ( but we could play without signing up anyway) at first I thought that I am the only one who is having trouble but in multiplayer mode I saw many other players that does not sign up. A minor problem that does not effect the game play. The game's graphic are low but it is still in 3-D. If it has a greater graphic i would be praising this games for a whole novel. But it is understandable as it is only an online game.

So here comes the star rating.......

Thank you for the game Feng!!
 For the game visit:

Attack on Titan Online Game!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014
Posted by kamilkhal
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