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Today I am going to review and apps named Battery Doctor. This apps was just another apps that your phone should have. Just like it name, Battery Doctor make sure your phone’s battery health in a good shape. Some of us might have experience or heard about some phones have bloated battery. Peoples say that the main cause of phone battery to become bloated is the habits to overcharge these device. Many phones developer has include a driver which lowers the charge in when the phone have been fully charged. This apps was just like a supplement to your smartphone. It help you not just to monitor your device health but also alert you when you device have been fully charge. Imagine one day you left you phone charged in a room while you were outside doing chores. If you didn’t have this apps installed in your device , your battery performance and capacity might degraded but if have Battery Doctor you don’t worry the apps will alert you so that you are aware of your device. If you are away maybe at the place where you can hear your Battery Doctor’s alert, the apps will reduce the input power so that your device won’t be overcharged. You also can scheduled your charge. It will alert you went do you need to charge.

The amazing apps, Battery Doctor,  was known as then Master of Battery Maintenance. It was coded and design by Beijing Kingsoft Internet Security software Co.Ltd. The apps also capable to boost your device by clearing your memory, cleaning your cache ,so that your device will be fully optimise and you will have a lot of space in your storage and memory so multitasking will be smooth and flawless. Install now it is free. Moreover, the apps provide statistics of your full cycle of charge. It also listed the apps or features in your phone that power consuming so that maybe you can turn it off . Get it from your Apps Store or Google Play now so that your device will last longer in your hand. 

But here are some charging tips that you can use when charging your device. First, Let your phone breathe. How to do this is simple. You just need to remove cases on your phone. Charging your phone while it is in certain carrying cases may generate excess heat, which can affect your battery health and capacity. If you notice that your phone gets hot or warm while it is charging, take out of the case. Thats all for the tips. Long live the Digital World. Thanks Beijing Kingsoft Internet Security software Co.Ltd. for this really great apps.

Screen Shots of the Apps in Actions

Battery Doctor

Thursday, August 28, 2014
Posted by Unknown
Hello, so it's only my second post for this blog.I'm going to do a movie review-again-for this month.I've never thought that i will watch this movie,as my schedule and routines are packed.But,I must say it is one of the greatest movie.Humour,suspense,love,friendship and etc.It's not just a typical sci-fi movie,it's packed with intense actions and myriads of jokes.
A must watch-movie
I'll brief a little about these badass characters:

1.Peter Quill a.k.a Star Lord,a normal human that had been abducted by aliens.Super slick,retro guy,no superpowers but as a human,he potrays great leadership.
A nice guy
2.Gamora,a psycho alien woman who was trained by Ronan.A living weapon.

kinda hot
3.Drax,a super ripped guy,with ancient red tattoo all over his body,with a small brain.
Naive guy
4.Rocket,a garrulous living raccoon,an expert in weapons.
5.Groot,a walking tree with nature's abilities.
He's more than meets the eye

So,all of you must been wondering how to these awesome people can be the guardians of the galaxy,right?
I'm not gonna spoil the movie,but they're villains,and we know where villains goes when they had been busted.It's quite interesting when a bunch of villains change their priority.All of the music used was the music from the 70's,which is quite unique,to blend the old times with nerve-wrecking technologies.It also potrays a lot of  "what the power of love and true friendship can do".The plot was not dull,the rising action was quick,with a little bit of conflict.It's almost a quintessence of a movie.once again,do watch the movie,If you wanna know what these badass can do,to save the universe.

*Spoiler alert,I think its related to The Avengers.

The movie starts with a celebrity chef's carrier was going south after a food critique wrote about him. The problem was that he didn't want to serve the food that was determined by the owner of the restaurant. He ended up quitting the restaurant and started a food truck. For more on the movie you have watch it yourself. 

So on with the review. From my opinion it is a great family movie. The food was totally amazing and it's very hard to watch with an empty stomach. (that what I did and I regret it) The story though was a little slow in the beginning as it tells the downfall of the chef for too long. It was a bit boring on that part but the story on the food truck covered it up. But the story on the truck is also a bit too short. If the balance between the story of the downfall of the chef and the story of the chef on the food truck is more balanced it would be great and surely a contender for the first ever 5 star rating on this blog. The ending also was too sudden and not resolving clearly. It was a bit disappointing but  I still enjoyed the movie well.

Chef (2014)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Posted by kamilkhal
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   If Sony have the acronym GoW as God of War, then Microsoft would challenge it with its own variation of GoW, Gears of War. As a 3rd person shooter which is in abundance at the time, this Epic Games studio production has a lot to prove. So, does it stand up to the legendary mythological adventure game? Let's review.

   Gears of War took place in an apocalyptic setting after which a group of unidentified being (who is later labeled as Locust), attack the masses of humanity and brought it to the brink of extinction. The story centered around the fight of those who are left, mainly Marcus and Dom, to try and bring an end to the Locust. Throughout the trilogy, we will witness 5-star rated hollywood material such as, a deep lore, sudden exposition, epic fight, epic one-liner, epic death and even beautiful rendition of an apocalyptic world. (The author would like to congratulate himself for being able to summarize the story in a very short paragraph)

Wow, this is so unbelievable

   Now, onto the gameplay, and we know how important that is for a game. Fortunately, the game execute it in one of the best way possible. The shooting felt great, it is solid and responsive. Complimented by the variety of weapons available, it sure make it a very diverse and satisfying firefight. The maneuverability of the character is great with a bit of a wonky side in the melee aspect (which I will get back on later). The enemy AI is not stupid, although not superb in any aspects. It does provide some challenges if you want to play solo. One very common characteristic of both GoWs in the gaming world is that both of it is brutally and satisfyingly gory. Gears of wars love to spread the red liquid to the body of your enemy. Limbs exploded, torn and punctured; seeing the disemboweled body of a Locust is gratifyingly fun and it never gets old. The previously said variety of weapons resulted an even more variety of viciousness. It includes a laser pointer that marks a spot for lasers to fire and mechanized bow that shoot explosive arrows. Hell, it even includes an assault carbine called the lancer with a freaking CHAINSAW under the barrel!! The game really serves as a way to put out stress and release your inner bloodthirst.

Just wait till you hear the sound. VROOOOM!!

   The graphics, animations and sounds are good. Graphics is nothing much to be awed by, but the setting and design do make your jaw drop at how an apocalyptic world would look like (In a different way from The Last of Us, mind you). Animations is okay, the only problem is when you initiate a melee chainsaw attack, it felt a bit unresponsive and might induce rage as it would probably cause your death. Sounds fits the scene; events played out well with the soundtrack and the sounds of gore is nothing to be scoffed at. There are quite a number of bugs when the game released for the first time, especially the third in the series. However, it is already patched.

   So, without a doubt, Gears of Wars is a masterpiece on par with God of War, if not better. So, enough with this, how does it fare in the rating?

+ Solid 3rd person action
+Emotionally tied with character

- Bugs, the technological kind
- Sometimes wonky melee

Gears of Wars

Sunday, August 24, 2014
Posted by Ikmal Iskandar Thani

“Your Happiness is a reflection of your health,” “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Some of us might have spent a lot of their time to maintain his/her body health. To stay good in shape by exercising and taking a balanced and healthy meal everyday Some might even takes supplements like vitamins and calcium capsules everyday. Achieving good health is not complete if we couldn’t manage to monitor our health performance. 

    Living in the digital age, a lot of apps are available on the market. Apps ranging from Entertainment based apps and Managing apps. Lately in 2012 programmer and apps developer are concerned with Health-based applications. Today I am going to review an application that i get from the Apps Store ‘Instant Heart Rate’ by developer Azumio.

    This apps basically functions of monitoring your heart rate. This apps basically used your iPhone camera and flash to detect the pulses on your finger. It can monitor every heart beat on the monitor just like the machine that we usually see in the ER rooms. It uses the same technique as used in pulse oximeters. You only need to place your tip of your index finger on your phone’s camera and in just a couple of seconds your pulse will be shown. It is just easy. A real time chart also provided that will show your heart beat. It is available for free on the Apps Store. So, what are you waiting for. Get it now and start monitor your heart rate.

Instant Heart Rate - Health on The Fingertip

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Posted by Unknown
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Developed by codemasters, this game has turned into something like a simulator rather than a game compared to when the F1 series was developed by EA. This review is not compared to the 2011 and 2012 game of the series because I could only try those two just for a little while. The driving experience was close to the real experience as it can get as the slightest mistake made is transferred into a life like result.

For example if we slam on the throttle too early from a corner it will make the car skid and also worn out tires faster than the usual. The performance of each machine is also differs greatly from team to team for top speed, acceleration,and even steering.

The game also offers the change to get behind the wheels of classic F1 car on classic F1 tracks. And the mode is also changes the mood for driving the racing machine as the performance of the classic cars are almost accurate to the real thing. Most of usual player of the F1 games made by EA had to spend some time to readjust to the new gameplay offered by codemasters.

The graphics are gorgeous adding to the enjoyment to the game. The details for the car are precise. We can also see pebbles  or grass stuck to the tire which not only give a makeup of the car but also the grip of the tire.

The engineering is also a wonderful challenge added as the different compound of tires gives different performance, the quick setting, the KERS boost, the DRS, and condition of the track that will force you to chance the setting of the car. The conditions of the race is a total game changer as different conditions will offer different challenges. Driving in the rain is one of the hardest task yet as the visibility is reduced and the tendency to skid is much higher.

The little part that I would like to change is that there are no podium scene in any race even we are in a podium position.It reduces the enjoyment of winning the race if we can't see the drivers holding their trophy in front of the team and the cheering crowd. The driver's face is also not show in any animation even the real ones which meant we could only see drivers in their helmet all the time. The only time we could see their faces are during selecting a driver that is actually only showing a snapshot of the drivers.

All in all the game is very enjoyable and very realistic and only has a few minor weakness that will not effect the gaming experience. There are a few improvements could be made but the game is a top rated game as it is now. The game is available on steam for download. This game totally deserve a top mark.


Formula 1 2013

Monday, August 11, 2014
Posted by kamilkhal
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Never judge a movie by it's actors

First of all,the Disney version of Hercules is way more better than this version.At first,I wanted to watch 22 Jump Street,but one of my friends was so eager to watch this movie.He said that "The trailer was awesome dude!".So far,all the trailers for new upcoming movies are damn good,but not all the movies are good as the trailers.So,at the end of this movie,there was no satisfaction among four of us.It was mundane and typical like any other Greek-based movies.This version of Hercules have did not have something bizarre in it,which is very disappointing.For me,I like to watch movies with some aberration,so it will gives me good vibes and memories with my friends.I have to say,it is kind of tedious.

The Hercules that we all knew in the living myths was so strong,as his father Zeus,the God among Gods,got married with a normal human being.(I can't recall his mother's name).The Hercules that acted by Dwayne Johnson was strong,but the thing is he was assisted with sidekicks.I think that it is contradicts with the living myth.In the movie,Hercules was given 12 daunting tasks in order for the official-wife-of-Zeus to accept him in the family of the Gods.He did it,but with help from his comrades.He was expelled from Athens as he was accused from killing hi own family.This was the funny part actually.There is a king who sought for Hercules's help to kill Hydra.Yup,he did it.He even bring the head of the lifeless Hydra to the king.Eventually,the king was afraid that he will take over his kingdoms,as the people adored Hercules.So,the king gambits a devilish plan,to expel Hercules from Athens.He put sort of drugs in Hercules's drink.So,Hercules fell asleep.The king unleashed three deadly wolves to slaughter his family.Yeah,he was been expelled from Athens,for 'killing' his own family.

The thing is,wolf's claws and fangs are slightly different from man-made sword.The wound inflicted by wolves are different compared to wounds inflicted by swords.Were the wolves carrying swords until all of the people around him accused him for killing his own family?Were they blind o something,a lovey father would never killed his own family.I must say,Dwayne Johnson was not suitable to be a leader,he just lacked the aura of a true leader.He was a good actor,The Pacifier,Fast and Furious,The Game Plan,he nailed it.It was just the role did not suited him.Overall,Hercules was a mediocre movie.I would not suggest this movie for all of you.

This is better


Friday, August 8, 2014
Posted by Unknown
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Tonight our fourth and last author's post will be published opening another category in our blog. The admin would like to congratulate them as finally the team is complete. The admin is also planning to post vlogs from the authors for the summary for some the of the posts in addition to the posts itself. The vlogs are still in discussion and will be posted when ready..  ENJOY ;-))))

One Last Editor

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Posted by Unknown
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We often heard the non ending campaign to boycott products that were believed to be  the main funder of the devastating war between Palestine and  Israel. Today I am going to review an apps name Buycott. Basically the apps function to help people to join campaigns online . Basically moat of the campaigns are prone on boycotting  producta that related to Israel. This app help you to know the origin of product that you are buying. It also had a built in barcode scanner to scan produts and gave details about them. The apps is still new and some of the products information are still not complete and available so it is out job to update information on this app about certain product in order to help other. Last but not least, Pray For Gaza.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Posted by Unknown
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   Infamous Second Son is an open world third person action game a lot like prototype (Some people might hate me for this comparison…) which means that it involves a lot of fancy power and destruction. Being one of the first line up and one of the few exclusives for the PS4 in its early year, this game has a lot to prove. So how does it fare in my standard ranking and evaluation?

   As to my normal way of reviewing (which is determined by how I previously write a review, which is only one time), I will start by judging the story. After the event of the first Infamous (which I will not bother explaining), the conduits (people with power) are considered as outcast and are being captured and contained by a group of government affiliated faction. The protagonist of the game, Delsin Rowe are your typical rebellious young adult who due to some incident, learned that he got the power to absorb the power of a conduit by making skin contact with them. This however, leads to the predicament in which the people in Delsin’s hometown to get ‘Stoned’ (hahaha) by one of the government-employed conduit as they would not sell out Delsin’s secret to them. This also leads to our protagonist’s adventure to take the power to control concrete in order to restore the condition of his people. Throughout the game, the player would choose how Delsin carry out his mean to accomplish his goal, be it good or bad. Long story short, you could expect the typical hero story in which the main character would find help, meet enemy, get powered up and win. As always, this is where I would say that this is how the game do it well, and boy, did it do well.

    Infamous Second Son delivered its story by masterfully using the Playstation 4 power to process by delivering a very believable acting by the motion of its character, especially Delsin’s. His demeanor when he talked and his body language clearly implied what he wanted to say. It also manage to tread on the fine line without being too over-dramatic like some game in which the character shakes around like they have ants in their pants or be too still like a marionette. The deliverance of its character to the player are very well done that they manage to pull us into the infamous world.

Smile for the camera~ wait...I did this already...

    Next up on the line is the gameplay and being an action game, it really needs this to be good. Fortunately, it does. If there’s one thing that this game stands out from others is that how it manage to make all aspect of the animation to be real good. This, when translated into gameplay, equals a very fluid gameplay that rarely felt clunky (or even if so). The combat in the game consisted of using powers for both long and close range attack. Delsin, who will be owning quite a number of powers throughout the game, can use this in a very stylish manner. This means shooting smoke bombs or sniping with neons, to name a few. He will also have the ability to glide through the air, neon-walk on walls and even smoke through fences (it is very neat). Delsin’s melee is influenced by the power he has and that, plus the color of his power, are determined by his morality or karma, be it good or bad.

Expect a reddish neon and smoke when you are bad compared to purple neon and orange smoke when you are good. Delsin’s shirt are also matched to his choice of side, being red and symbolized as a blackish goat skull when being bad or a blue and freedom-inspiring bird image as a good guy. The people in the Infamous world would also react to Delsin’s karmic view. They will hate and run away from you while speaking of how fearsome you are or worship and praise you as you show them how good conduit is. This morality system acts as a good way to control how you play, either being as destructive as you can or being careful to who you shot and how you neutralize the enemy. As an evil Delsin, you would like to cause as much chaos as you can before the multiplier to do a very powerful attack ends, while as a good guy, you will need to stop the enemy without killing them, taking time to aim for their legs and never hit an innocent bystander. This system will act as a limiter in how you play the game and that is a good thing.

When you're stressed, have a smoke. The good kind.

   Onto the graphics, it is top notch. Being a Ps4 exclusive, Infamous Second Son are not limited by many, only the limit of the Ps4 itself. It manage to prove to the world how powerful the Ps4 is. The game looked very crisp and the lighting and shadow is very well done. The color is saturated and manage to capture the feeling of the setting of Infamous Second Son. The power looked really fancy and the effects on them are not half-assed. Either it be neon or smoke, it really captured the essence. The sound is good though not really to the point of very marvelous. Expect the stuffs sounds like it would do. The voice acting is great but most of it are centered around Delsin. Thus, it is not really easy to judge how the others’ quality of voices. Execution of the game is good. Loading is not long, fights are fun, cutscenes are marvelous and missions are not repetitive unless you count the beat these enemies (considering it IS an action game). The frames even with the marvelous graphic is stable and never really see a real slow down, just some minor issues.

    Into one of the most important part in this game as it is a single-player only game, replayibility. To make it simple, think open world game, includes a big map, got a lot of side mission, a good main story, many panoramas to take screenshots, collectables and mini games. Well, and the main story is if you stretch enough, maybe could be like… 8 to 10 hours? If you are rushing, 6 hours is not that hard. Add the fact that you can play the story two times for both good and bad ending, plus the many side missions you can play, it must be long enough right? As much I wanted to say that it is long, in my first playthrough, I finish the good ending and completed the game to 100% in under 12 hours (probably less, 10 maybe?). Thing is, the side missions are a bit too easy though it is worth playing through as it is enjoyable. The end game (at 100%) are also very disappointing as by the time, enemies are scarce and the few invasion is also quite easy compared to some of the mission’s difficulties.

Big and beautiful, but not much to do

In conclusion, I would say that though the game is incredibly fun with great graphic and fun gameplay. The game itself lack the replayibility value as the game is, to put it simply, not hard enough (believe me, even on hardest it is easy to win with the right strategies, unless you put a limit to yourself like not retreating or taking cover). My advice, rent it (though the disc cover is beautiful, it might worth to buy it just to display in the shelf). So, the verdict.

+Great graphic and effects
+Fun and fluid gameplay
+Morality system determine how you play
+Powers are very beautifully done

-A tad too easy
-A bit short with little replayibility

Infamous Second Son

Monday, August 4, 2014
Posted by Ikmal Iskandar Thani
Developed by the studio Naughty Dog, creator of the Uncharted series, comes The Last of Us or more specifically, The Last of Us: Remastered which is the essentially a remake of the 2013 Playstation 3 hit to the Playstation 4. First of all, this review will not solely focus on the improvement made from its predecessor, but see it as a whole game in order to let those who never played the PS3 version know what the game is about. With that out of the way, let's review.

   The Last of Us is a story-driven game viewed from a third person perspective. It is set in a post apocalyptic world 20 years after an outbreak of a virus that turns people into creepy brain-tumoured zombie-like monster plunge mankind to near extinction. Simply put, the living condition at the time is bad enough that the factions in the game fits all the stereotypical role at said settings. Government that the people hate, Rebels that the government hate, and the bandits that everyone hate. Add a protagonist and a cause for he or she to do and you got Hollywood material right there. Fortunately, what the game focuses on is not the big story that drives the world, but the emotional ties that was born from the two unlikely protagonists in the game.

   The game puts us on the role of Joel, a hardened man with a dark past involving his teenage daughter Sarah and his companion, Ellie who is unsurprisingly, a teenage girl with a surprisingly curse-happy vocabulary. Together, they travelled (sometimes with others) in a quest to find a cure for the infection that have befall the world. In all seriousness, it is put better in the game but that is the story in the nutshell. Along the way, we will witness the bond the was formed between the two and see how they react to the world that they live in. This, my reader, is where The Last of Us shines the most. Ellie and Joel, no matter how cliche'd and obvious the pair is on paper, the game depicts this in the most dynamic fashion that we could not help but stare in awe in the camaraderie that they showed us. In one point of the game, Ellie barely able to climb a ladder before it broke. This however, causes Joel to be left alone to fend for himself down below. Ignoring the safety up above, Ellie jumped downed and shrugged it off by saying "together till the end." before accompanying Joel to find another way to escape the place. To top it off, the game did not even make a deal out of it, it is just seamlessly added into the story, never forcing players to learn that, 'hey, Ellie cared for Joel now, like so bad that she even risked her life for him'. The game also includes a lot of minor conversation in which Ellie, who has never went out of the secured government protected city, observe a lot of new stuffs like a music store with old songs and even contemplating the poster of a movie around the place.

Beautiful vista filled the game at every corner

   Next, the gameplay of The Last of Us. The game includes a mix of stealth, gunfights, crafting and simple puzzle solving in its repertoire to keep it from being a CGI movie. Stealth is used when dealing with both the infected and the human enemy which you will find in the game. While the human are self-explanatory, the infected played a bit differently as it focus more on sound rather than sight, though that still does not mean you could stand beside one without care. Although shooting is a valid strategy in the game, it is ill advised as ammo in the game are scarce enough that you would want to keep as much as you can unless is really needed. As a matter of fact, any direct confrontation is a rather poor outcome in the game as even the stealthiest takedown a person could do have the chance to expose oneself for all to shoot. That said, the shooting in the game is satisfying enough that even when it does nothing new, it does not take the fun out of the game as a whole. It even provides you with a good selection of weapons, though unless you want to beat the enemy by punching them in the face, you better learn how to use all of them. Crafting involves using stuffs you found in the world to create bombs, molotovs, health kits etcetera. It is important to carefully manage when and what you want to craft as materials are limited and items are important to win. The puzzle section provides a mean to relax after having a big shootout with the humans or tension inducing sneak moment with the infected. It is easy enough that the only reason you cannot finish it is because you don't see around the map. The game even use character interaction to give you hints of the puzzle(don't worry, it's subtle enough that it is not immersion breaking). It also stands as separating plot points so the story will not advance so fast and felt like having a jump every so often. There's also a few button prompt event that keeps the player engaged in the cutscene. All in all, the gameplay provides a balanced feeling that allows player to not felt bored with the game and just want to see the story or to be too exciting that people could not care less about the story and just wanna do stuffs in the game.

Smile for the camera~

   Now, the graphic, sound and execution of the game. Being a ps3 remake, it could be said that it is unfair to compare it to Ps4 games like Infamous Second son(I will use this as example as it serve as a fine standard for a Ps4 game). Although it is true that The Last of Us is certainly not as vibrantly colored as said game, it certainly felt like a class above the Ps3 standard. The original game is considered one of the most beautiful game on the Ps3 and on the Ps4, it manages to not be overwhelmed by the standard. I would refrain myself from using advance graphical terms as i myself have limited knowledge in it. However, I will judge it using my standard of graphical and execution rating. First of all, animation. It is marvelously extensive and detailed. In the game, there's a lot of time that Joel would boost Ellie up to reach something and almost none of the animation would be the same due to the plot requiring something else. Movement felt fluid (Although not as in Second Son's fluid movement) with the exception of horse control which is a bit clunky. Shooting angle is fine. Though for those who wants to aim from the left shoulder, be prepared for L2 then R1 for a lot of time. A pity that there's a lot of time that the view would be useful but is just too bothersome to be used. Facial Expression is very well done. This is a big point to touch as i love to compare The Last of Us' Ellie's expression to Second Son's expression mainly Delsin Rowe's. If Delsin's manage to be give a very realistic and believable feeling, Ellie's would be a very expressive and emotional feeling. Infamous Second Son puts me in a lot of situation where i would just clap my hand on how awesome looks like. For The Last of Us, it makes me believe the event I am seeing. Moving on, the modeling does have a bit of clipping but it is understandable as it is consisted of many layers. Rather, it is impressive that clipping is not much of an issue considering how much animation the game have. The sound in the game is good, the composition fits the game and manage to capture the feeling. The ambiance felt right and the gunshot felt solid. Voice acting is superb. Shout out to Ashley Johnson for her very impressive performance for doing Ellie.

Even after the apocalypse, The Sun still shines beautifully

   Replayibility is a o-kay for the game. Although there are collectibles that is quite interesting to get in the game as it tells story of what happen in the game, it does not give a reason too replay the game just to find it. It does not instill the feeling of needing to find those collectible missed in the first playthrough. Multiplayer is interesting and although it require teamwork and strategy to win the game. It is just mostly a shooting deathmatch game. Not that it is bad, but it would help to have more variety. It does however, manage to not allow a player to go on a spree. The game do require patience as to not make careless mistake like triggering a bomb or get surrounded by the enemy. Balancing ammo and stealth also plays an important part in multiplayer and the perk-like system does give a minor variety and advantage that could turn the tide of the battle. The progressiveness of the multiplayer is well designed and does make it a point so that the player would play seriously in each match and not just throw it after messing around. It is also worth mentioning that the multiplayer games are 4 on 4 so each member counts. It is also hard for me to find a multiplayer game which I am not sure where the trouble lies in, the game or the fact that not many people bought the game yet.

   So, with the seamlessly balanced gameplay and storyline, how does this 2013 remake fare among the next gen games?

+Engaging story with emotional value to the characters
+Exciting encounter with great focus on stealth and management
+No loading screen in campaign
+Bows are not overpowered
+Marvelous voice acting is marvelous

-Minor clipping issue
-Multiplayer, Y U NO find me a game?

The Last of Us: Remastered

Saturday, August 2, 2014
Posted by Ikmal Iskandar Thani

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